Dear Fans,
Last trip to the Mann Cup, Rosemary and I put together a travel package for our Fans. We plan to do this again this year.
We would leave on Friday September 4 and return on Sunday September 13. Should the series not go seven games and you wish to return home early, it will be your responsibility to make your own arrangements.
Games are played on Friday, Saturday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. Sunday and Thursday are off days.
Our estimated price of $2000.00 per person (double occupancy in rooms) will cover, airfare to Vancouver (one bag per person), transportation to and from Toronto, transportation to and from Vancouver to Victoria, room with double occupancy, transportation to and from games, post game gathering at hotel for comradery, some sightseeing excursions. This price does not include game tickets and meals. This is not a ‘for profit’ deal I am putting together.
We would be looking for drivers for the vehicles we plan to rent. Please bring your pink insurance slip should you wish to volunteer.
If you are interested in this package, please send your name, address, age, e-mail address and phone number to me. I can be reached at:
Home - 705-743-8314
Cell - 705-768-9755
Email -
Please note, we would need 50 people to take advantage of this package.
Ted Higgins,
Peterborough Century 21 Lakers